ProSep is proud that our core product focus on high-efficiency mixers
and water treatment directly provides our clients with an opportunity
to reduce the use of harmful chemicals, save water, and remove harmful
contaminants from water and the environment.
We are proud to report that for Q1 of 2021 ProSep ranked high for the following
ESG categories (among >20 peer companies):
Number of Women
in the Workplace
Number of Suppliers from Developing Nations
Number of women in Management Positions
Top 5
Number of Training Hours
Spills and Zero Time lost due to injury.
Environmental, Societal, and Governance (ESG)
ProSep's shareholders are proud signatories to the UN Principles of Responsible Investing showing that we not only talk the talk but also walk the walk. We actively monitor and report the following ESG metrics to ensure we are responsible citizens in the ever-changing world:
Zero spillage of contaminants
Minimizing CO2 emissions from transportation (emphasis on alternative transportation)
Gender diversity in employees, management, and at the board level
Focus on local (within 100 miles) small and medium suppliers and from developing nations
Number of employee supported charities
All vendors and agents are signatories to adhere to US FCPA and UK Anti-Bribery Laws
Focus on number of career improvement training hours to employees
Employee retention rates

The history of mixer and water treatment system product development goes back to 25 years, respectively.
The mixers were developed in Norway in the 1990s with a singular focus on improving efficiency and help the environment. Over the last 10+ years ProSep's CTour mixer technology has treated 2/3rd of Norway's produced water and significantly lowered the Environmental Impact Factors (EIF) in that region.

The catalyst that sped up the development of Osorb Media Systems (OMS) was the Deepwater Horizon water spill in 2010.
Our OMS systems have since been successfully used to hard-to-remove contaminants globally with the goal of not only achieving local regulatory requirements but only with the potential to achieve zero contaminant levels globally.